Does the paint process of the basketball hoop affect its lifespan?
There are many factors that affect the service life of basketball racks, and the painting process is one of them. Users who have applied them may know something. For the production of basketball racks, the main material used is steel, which is exposed to the wind and the sun. Rust affects its strength, which in turn affects the life of the basketball hoop.
The baking paint of the basketball rack refers to coating the finished semi-finished basketball rack with high-performance paint and baking it at a high temperature of 300-400 degrees, so that the powder in the high-performance paint is fully melted in the baking paint, and the baking is sufficient for 24 hours. The painting process is done!
Basketball rack paint is a high-performance special material, which combines heat resistance, chemical inertness, excellent insulation stability and low friction, and has comprehensive advantages that other coatings cannot compete with. Its flexibility of application makes it suitable for use in Non-stick properties, heat resistance, sliding properties, moisture resistance, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, and more are available on virtually all shapes and sizes of products. The quality of the painted basketball hoop is excellent, and the service life is longer and can be guaranteed for more than 5 years!